No joke…

Here is a quick log of the Customer Service nightmare I went through in the last 12 hours to get my Uverse line upgraded from a 19/2 profile (1 HD/3 SD) to a to 25/2 profile (2 HD/2 SD)…

Jeff, Tier 2 Technician 😦
Stated that the 25/2 profile can be done – but cannot process the order until tomorrow (which is today) so call Sales tomorrow (which is today)

Wanda, Sales 😦
She had no clue what I was talking about and kicked me to a Tier 1 Technician

Nathan, Tier 1 Technician 😦
He had no clue what I was talking about and kicked me to a Tier 2 Technician

Charles, Tier 2 Technician 😦
He said that that all looks good to update me to 25/2 but he didn’t think it was going to work. He didn’t even want to try. So I ended the call. (Lazy people drive me nuts.)

Imo, Sales 😦
I explained everything that I have gone through already and he didn’t know what to do so he kicked me to a Tier 1 Technician.

Ivan, Tier 1 Technician 😦
He understood the problem but said that Sales was supposed to perform the change for me. So he kicked me to Sales.

Lisa, Sales 😦
She said that she understood the problem, and that Tier 1 was mistaken and only Tech Support Technicians can perform the change. So she kicked me to a Tier 1 Technician.

Francis, Tier 1 Technician 😦
He seemed to understand my issue and knew that only Tier 2 could make the change. So he kicked me to a Tier 2 Technician.

Ray, Tier 2 Technician 🙂
I explained everything AGAIN…he said he didn’t know what the big deal was and that he could make the switch in a matter of minutes. And he did!

So when I get home today, we’ll see if everything is working properly – crossing my fingers. And if not, I’m canceling Uverse altogether and going back to Comcast TV and some form of DSL.

Don’t you just love customer service?

5 thoughts on “No joke…

    • With 19/2, I can only watch/record 1 HD channel and 3 SD channels at a time on all my TVs.

      With 25/2, I can watch/record 2 HD channels and 2 SD channels at a time on all my TVs

      It’s pretty weird – if the downstairs TV is currently watching HD, my bedroom TV says that HD is currently being used on another TV and that I could kick that TV off HD. Kinda lame.

      You can see why it’s frustrating for me because with my Comcast/TiVo setup, I could watch/record 2 HD streams simultaneously – by moving to Uverse with 19/2, its a huge downgrade for me.

  1. Oh frick on a stick…

    So they bumped me up this morning. When I went home to test it out – it didn’t work. The two HD streams would work for a few seconds and then one would cut out. UGH!

    So I called support again to put me back on the 19/2 profile.

    I may still stick with Uverse, however. The benefits seem to outweigh the downfalls.

    + Cheaper overall ($150 as opposed to $200)
    + Multiple TVs (We had one with Comcast)
    + 3x the internet bandwidth
    + Speed HD!!! LOL

    – No Netflix
    – One HD stream (we had two with Comcast)

    • each person was actually very courteous and tried their best…but apparently at&t doesnt train their employees on their products. for every 3-4 people you talk to, there is usually only 1 that knows what theyre doing.

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